If You’re Voting Based on Hate…Which Column is Your Hate in?

I am open to hear why people would vote for Harris/Biden. The usual response is because they “hate Trump” which parrots the DNC mantra and Harris/Biden website. If that is true (and I’d prefer to think they hate the behavior rather than the person but that is another topic for another time), I’d hope their vote was at least based on actual performance results and stated vision rather than emotions.

To me, electing someone on today’s emotions seems as erroneous as throwing the baby out with the bath water. So, I question, whose actions do you hate the most? Here’s some of the more prominent ones mainstream media won’t show and probably prefers you would forget…

Lawlessness and Violence
Do you hate the lawlessness and violence in our cities that is also affecting innocent Americans and undermining our democracy? In her own words, a smiling Harris condones the Black Lives Matter violence, encourages it and will do absolutely nothing to stop it if elected — even though she will have been sworn in to uphold our laws.

Reverse Discrimination
Do you hate unjust treatment of all human beings? Black Lives Matter supporters angrily refuse the more unifying sentiment that “All Lives Matter.”

If you hate Trump’s handling of Covid-19, do you equally hate that Pelosi condemned the President for closing borders which helped protect Americans, and that she was encouraging people to dine in Chinatown at the same time?

Subversive Division in our Communities and Assaulting the Police…
Do you hate Trump so much you are willing to ignore the vile treatment of police officers who lay their lives on the line to help or save the lives of complete strangers… including people of all races and colors? Do you hate the anarchists destroying our communities and undermining our country?

Career Politicians Not Working for the People
Do you hate entrenched, power mongering politicians whose ego and agenda are more important to them than caring for the needs of the American people?

Corruption and Media Bias
Do you hate career-embedded politicians on both sides (The Swamp) who are in politics for the money, not the people, and are corrupt below and above surface? That the media refuses to report any Biden/Harris scandal because of the election?

Ruination and Exodus from American Cities
Do you hate seeing people defecate or urinate on the streets, the mentally ill not properly cared for and dangerously acting out, drug addicts shooting up in public, rampant homelessness and crime? How would you feel if your business was in one of these cities? Would you want to raise your children there? Would you hate having this type of governing spread across America and control your community?

High Taxes for a Communist Agenda
Which do you hate more — Trump, or paying much higher taxes so those who do not work or contribute can benefit from the fruits of your going to work everyday?

Government Policy Mis-management
Do you hate being at the mercy of failed government policies overall — including energy and wildfires (even if you do not support fracking)?

Loss of Civility and Destruction of Democracy
Do you hate the domestic terrorism of the anarchists who demand defunding the police so there is no one to protect you or your community? Would you hate it if the 2nd Amendment was repealed?

Lack of Opportunities for Minorities
Do you hate, that no matter how much money the US government throws at welfare programs, it’s still not enough to effect positive change? When basing your vote on hate for Trump, think twice about his accomplishments in four years versus what Biden’s done in a lifetime political career…

Exorbitant Drug Prices
Do you hate the high cost of prescription meds that have escalated over decades and under other administrations? Trump signed several executive orders to tackle Big Pharma as promised.

War and Terrorism
Do you hate that Trump made a historic peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, something other administrations could not accomplish? Or that he ended Isis’ reign of terror that the Obama/Biden administration let run free?

The Government Swamp
Do you hate the enormous government bureaucracy that’s been created over the years? Trump pledged to drain it, but I doubt any of us knew how deep it is. No wonder, he’s had opposition — because both sides have too much to lose. Yet, there is no one stronger to take them on or even be willing to try.

Talk and Action
Ask yourself, why doesn’t mainstream media want the public to be aware of the content in the above videos? Why don’t they want America to know of any of the good Trump has accomplished in four years? Why do they work so hard to tell us he is dividing America when we can see his love of country and how hard he is working for all Americans — even amidst enormous distractions?

LawlessnessProtecting all Citizens
Mental Decline and WeakMental and Physical Strength

Rather than blindly accept biased or fake news, I see sights with my own eyes. I hear with my own ears… With tolerance and reasoning, I overlook personal style to results which have moved me from moderate liberal in the last four years to agreeing with the statements of other Americans…

The election of Donald J Trump did not create the Left’s hate…it revealed it.

We finally have a President that speaks for the People!

His stamina are above and beyond anything I’ve ever witnessed!

President Donald John Trump supporters are saying this” We love Him, Because He FIRST Loved us.” ☆☆☆☆

I’ve watched more than a dozen of these rallies, and I still love to watch them. So uplifting, so heartwarming to see all those patriots showing our President their support.”

NOBODY works harder than our amazing President.

Trump against the deep state. David vs Goliath 2.0.

Trump is an inspiration to us all.❤️

If basing my 2020 vote on emotions, I can say the Harris/Biden agenda is deflating, promising demoralizing darkness.

The optimism of Trump/Pence make me feel proud to be an American, and feel love for my country and citizens. I’ll take a can do attitude and feeling hopeful any day.

Last question: Is hate blinding you to factual reality?

2 Replies to “If You’re Voting Based on Hate…Which Column is Your Hate in?”

  1. Thanks for your thoughtful response. It’s risky stating all of this political information but as you can tell, I am passionate about America and the freedoms it offers.

    I don’t love Trump either but give the man due credit for what he’s accomplished. The Far Left damns him for everything and projects gloom and doom on him when in reality their agenda is gloom and doom. And then they attempt to steal some of Trumps positive messages like his “Make America Great Again,” to their “Build Back Better.” There’s a law on bait and switch but apparently they are exempt from that too.

    Very observant on your part — I’d been wondering about the highlighted E and now I get it. Perhaps that is the only truth they speak — that Harris will be president.


  2. You’ve covered many key points that MSM covered up or altered, and I like your chart :), it’s true the Biden/Harris ticket is very pessimistic, it’s the victimhood side that demands, no self-responsibility or self-respect to play the victim role it’s so disempowering and angry. I don’t love Trump but he’s mentally capable and follows through on his promises vs the typical politicians that promise and never deliver. Biden is a racist, he’s said so many awful things he even used the N insult, it’s on tape but no one cares? It’s funny how the logo for Biden has broken up his name by highlighting the E for no reason other than to look like it’s Harris that will be the next President. Like it says, Bid n (on) Harris?

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