Changing Focus Blogging Challenge: Hearts in all the Right (and Unusual Places)

As posted earlier this week, I’m delving into the world of the Blogging Challenge by participating in others and offering my own — just a small way to have a little fun in this currently upside down world. So here goes…

Changing Focus will be a monthly challenge with a new topic each month. Bloggers can freely use their creativity to interpret each topic however they choose — via one or more photos, with or without narrative, with or without music — just as long as it’s related to the topic and posted any time during that month. After all, this is about having fun and reducing stress! As a challenge newbie, I anticipate some things will change along the way, but that’s life — ever changing.

Monthly Guidelines:
On the last Sunday of each month, I will post the Changing Focus theme for that month, and highlight responses from the month prior.

Your creativity is your format so feel free to use only one photo or a gallery, from the archives or current, and with or without a short narrative or music — it’s your call.

To join in:

  1. At any time during the month, post your response to the current theme.
  2. Link your response to my post naming the challenge (always on the last Sunday of the month).
  3. Your link can be done either via a comment or pingback.
  4. Include the tag changing focus so others can easily browse all responses in the Reader.

Theme for January 31, 2021-February 27, 2021:
The theme for this challenge is “Hearts in all the Right (and Unusual) Places.” Interpret this however you like just meet the challenge anytime between today and February 27th. (The next theme will be announced on February 28th, the last Sunday of that month.)

Write Gardener’s Hearts in all the Right (and Unusual) Places:
Collecting hearts for decades, I always feel a lift when discovering them in unusual places. Imagine my surprise (and smile) when cutting a hard boiled egg, looking up into the sky, down at the pavement or a sidewalk on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, Scotland, or checking into a cottage on Oaulie Beach in Nevis, and in Nature’s fallen leaves.

If this challenge has lightened your heart, I hope you’ll add some of your own.

Changing Focus Blogging Challenge Details

And definitely visit Cee’s Photo Challenges blog which lists numerous challenges and the bloggers who host them.

10 Replies to “Changing Focus Blogging Challenge: Hearts in all the Right (and Unusual Places)”

  1. Gee, I sure hope so! 🙂 Especially since this is my first attempt and would love to have it be a success. If there’s anything I’m not doing correctly or could be better, please do let me know since you are an avid veteran of blogging the challenge!


  2. Isn’t it amazing when we actually “think” of something and feel strongly about it, we begin to see that something in our lives. Truly powerful!!! Loved your hearts, WG!! Together we are changing the world!! xo

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